The Best Breathable Baby Mattress for Your Baby
Shopping for your baby is always fun and you'd like to choose the best products. This is especially true when it comes to a breathable baby mattress. But unlike some other products, it pays to be a bit obsessive on the safety of the crib mattress.
Research has shown that there were cases of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) that occurred with the choice of baby mattress. According to the report, chances of SIDS increase when a baby can roll over. When a baby sleep tummy-side down, his/her weight presses down on the diaphragm. This may limit optimal airflow causing an excessive amount of carbon dioxide.
When baby rolled over at their crib mattress, and when their face facing down at the crib mattress, which can be dangerous because they will inhale a larger amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) filled air that cannot escape small pockets around the baby’s face.
No matter how diligent you are in making sure your baby is sleeping in the proper position, there is still a risk. To lessen the occurrence of positional asphyxiation, Secure Beginnings invented the breathable baby mattress. If in case your baby rolls and sleep face down, the mattress enables your baby to breathe normally.
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Why pediatricians recommend Secure Beginnings Breathable Baby Mattress
The air permeable (breathable) sleeping surface of Secure Beginnings’ crib mattress has distinct advantages. A Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Committee Chairperson, Dr. Margie Andreae explains:
- Alleviating the risk of suffocation. A baby sleeping face down will have constricted airway because his/her weight would press down on the diaphragm. There is more carbon dioxide build-up that may lead to positional asphyxiation. Secure Beginnings’ Breathable baby mattress has a passive airflow design across the entire mattress. The tiny holes allow your baby to breathe normally.
- Regulate core body temperature:The plastic casing of traditional crib mattresses can build up your baby’s body temperature. This results in poor quality of sleep because of the discomfort. Furthermore, this may increase the risk of SIDS. The advantage of having a passive airflow design is that it allows the heat to dissipate, enabling your baby to sleep in comfort.
- Reduce micro-organisms: It is easy to remove and launder the sleep surface of the baby mattress. For hygienic reasons, it is best to clean the sleep surface once a week. This is to ensure that your baby sleeps in a safe and clean surface.
- No toxic chemicals: Traditional crib mattresses such as fiber-filled mattresses often contain chemicals. These include fire retardant chemicals which for all intents and purposes, might be referred to as the necessary evil. The use of such chemicals is to meet flammability standards, but it is also toxic and has been linked to health concerns. Secure Beginnings breathable baby mattresses do not contain these toxic chemicals.
Comparison Chart Between Secure Beginnings Breathable Baby Mattress and Other Traditional Crib Mattresses

Why Choose Air Permeable Crib Mattress

Did this image feel worrisome to you? How does the image of the baby sleeping face down make you feel? Didn’t you just read how such position increases the risk of SIDS? Again, the use of breathable baby mattress reduces that risk and this is how it works.
So, a baby sleeping face down would have a higher risk of SIDS. But how much higher is the risk? Some studies published in medical journals shows that the risk is up to 20% higher. Wrapping a baby in blankets or clothes further increases the risk.
That is why the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend that you put your baby to sleep on his/her back. But that is easier said than done. At around the age of 4 months, your baby starts to move around, with some as early as 2 months.
You cannot watch over your baby all the time. There are chores that you need to do, and you need to sleep too. Using an air permeable crib mattress is your best option to keep your baby safe. To be clear, it is not a guarantee. If your baby sleeps face down, the risk does not increase as much as using traditional mattresses.
To compare the safety, SIDS/SUID experts and the CSPC’s accredited research scientists conducted tests. The results showed air permeable baby mattresses are safer than those with fiber fills.
Also, several neonatologists have reviewed the data on the air permeable crib mattress by Secure Beginnings and confirmed that the mattress does significantly reduce the risk of rebreathing of carbon dioxide when the infant is rolled prone.
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Check out this post for 'The Best Breathable Baby Mattress For Your Baby.'
Features of the Secure Beginnings Breathable Baby Mattresses
- Recommended by pediatricians and data on the air permeable crib mattress was endorsed and confirmed by several neonatologists.
- Fits any standard size baby crib, toddler bed or conversion bed. Actual size of base is 50-7/8" x 27-1/4" x 5-3/4". Base with sleep surface measures 52" x 28" x 5 3/4".
- Passive airflow surface. No fiber-fill like traditional crib mattress to block airflow. Baby gets constant flow of oxygen in regardless where she face.
- Sleep surface meets international safety standards for firmness and surface is 100% polyester.
- Mattress sleeps surface durable and can hold up to 60 pounds (average 8 year old).
- Mattress surface is removed friendly for cleaning and machine washable to prevent bacteria growth and allergens.
- Mattress designs came with a small bumper, which is enough to prevent baby from hitting her head and catches a pacifier from rolling off the mattress.
- Completely organic, toxin free and no filling.
- Mattress base comes pre-assemble; just add mattress surface.
- The crib mattress base is made from recycled milk jugs (earth friendly). The base will catch any urine or water leak and it is easily wipe and clean.
- Several styles for a compliment to any nursery design.
Safesleep Breathable Crib Mattress
Brand: Secure Beginnings
Color: As pictured
Price range: $650 - $750
Heaven Sent Breathable Crib Mattress
Brand: Secure Beginnings
Color: As pictured
Price range: $1,000 - $1,200
Heaven Sent Breathable Crib Mattress Sleep Surface
Brand: Secure Beginnings
Color: As pictured
Price range: $200 - $250
No Blanket, No Problem
A blanket may pose as a suffocation hazard when your baby moves a lot. That is why a lot of experts recommend not using one, but that also means your baby may feel cold.
A feature of the Secure Beginnings breathable baby mattresses is the 3D medical grade spacer fabric. This fabric offers tremendous breathability and durability. The middle layer of the spacer fabric forms a “micro climate”.
This helps to dissipate the heat and moisture from the baby body and channeled into the middle layer. And this helps regulate a stable body core temperature so that your baby will have a comfortable sleep throughout the night.
Final Notes
I haven’t had the chance to try out this air permeable mattress because my daughter is too old to sleep in a crib now. But as I scout and check the reviews on the web, it is clear to me that the reviews have been encouraging. A lot of mothers do love this breathable baby mattress.
If I have a newborn, then for sure, I will buy this Secure Beginnings breathable baby mattress. The old adage of an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure holds true.
If we are to look at the price alone and compare with others, of course, this costs more. But is it more expensive when you consider the safety and comfort of your baby?
I don’t think so. I am sure that the cost will be money spent well for my peace of mind, and the safety and comfort of my baby.
You can find Secure Beginnings Mattress line at Amazon. Amazon is a great place to shop for baby products and don't miss out their superb deal on the baby registry. Also, take the opportunity to sign up for their New Mom Program (free trial 30 days) where you get free shipping and discounts on diapers and many other baby necessities. If you are current using one of the crib mattresses by Secure Beginnings, do share your experience with me so that I can cover them on my next write up and share with the community.
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This post was last updated on 18 December 2016