Crib Hardware: Finding Replacement Parts & Assembly Instructions

One of the most important thing your infant needs is a crib. So, you picked up a nice second-hand baby crib for a good price, and that is being practical. But once you started assembling, only then do you realize that it is missing a special piece of the crib hardware.
Yes, very frustrating isn't it?
I don’t blame you if you feel frustrated. A missing piece of unique hardware for a baby crib is not something you can buy from a local store anytime.
And the longer time it takes to find that one piece of hardware, the more the frustration sets in. Soon, you start to regret buying a cheap baby crib that you could not use, and all because of a missing hardware.
Before you tear apart the baby crib and throw it away, maybe there’s light at the end of the tunnel.
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So...where to buy crib replacement parts?
There is a reason why manufacturers must use standard size screws, nuts, bolts, etc. And that is to make sure that customer like you would not have a hard time looking for replacement parts. But that is not always the case. In fact, a lot of baby cribs in the market use special hardware.
Thankfully there is a company – Product America, specialize in selling all type of crib hardware. Product America is a great place to find almost any replacement hardware you are looking for. They also sell metal and plastic hardware for many different brands of baby cribs that are now out of production.
Other than cribs, they also have replacement parts of cradles, high chairs, and more. If in case they do not have the part you need, guess what? They can customize it for you.
Not only you can find replace parts for a crib, but also other baby products replacement part like the cradle, highchair and more. In case the parts you are looking is not available at Product America, you can contact them to get them customize for you.
Their website also has this text search feature can be handy in searching crib hardware. If you are not sure what the piece is called, their visual index will offer some help.
If you happen to have a branded baby crib, then another option for you is to contact the manufacturer. Below is a list of major branded baby cribs and links to their homepage. They usually have assembly instructions online. Some also have an area where you could request for replacement parts and crib hardwares.
Assembly Instructions & Replacement Part For Majority Crib Brands
If I have not listed the brand you have, here’s a quick way to find documentations and other information.
1) Go to Google
2) Search for “brand name” baby crib "assembly instruction". You can replace assembly instruction with other keywords such as a manual.
3. Search for “brand name” baby crib "name of part or hardware". This is how you can search for replacement parts.
The double quotation marks are useful for brands that have two or more words. It forces Google to search for the exact words inside the quotation marks. During searches, do not use the parenthesis.
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Check out this post for 'Crib Hardware: Finding Replacement Parts and Assembly Instructions.'
Getting In Touch With the Manufacturer
A good brand would not have a problem with replacement parts for cribs made within the last ten years. The same may not hold true for imported baby cribs.
Before contacting the manufacturer asking for the crib hardware, ensure that you have the following info at your hand…
- The number or the name of the piece that you need. If you are not sure what is the piece called, take a photo and email to them.
- The model number and possibly the date of manufacture so that they can help you better.
Finding the name of the manufacturer and baby crib model should not be too hard. Usually, you find it along the crib frame. Even if the model is not specified, so as long as you know the manufacturer, they should be able to identify it.
If the tag has been removed, refer to the owner’s manual or go to the Internet to search for the company contact information.
Alternatively, you can refer to the list above for the majority of the baby crib brands contact info.
What! You Have a Drop-Side Baby Crib?
Do you know that drop-side baby crib killed more than 30 infants and toddlers in the past decade? Therefore, on June 2011, the U.S. government issued a ban on all drop-side cribs, and millions of drop-side baby cribs were recalled.
Although the drop-side baby crib allows the parent to reach their child more easily, which is also friendlier to the caretaker’s back but the problem was that the hinges on the movable sides were prone to break. This can create gaps where babies can got stuck and injured them or worst strangled and cause death.
A drop-side baby crib is dangerous for your child. If you own a drop-side baby crib, you should put them away or convert your drop-side baby crib to a fixed-side crib with this conversion kit. If the conversion kit is not suitable for your child crib, then you might want to contact Product America if they can customize a fixed-side kit for you.
Trashing away the drop-side crib might not be the best option as it will only create more landfill and not to mention it is not environmental friendly too. Here are a few suggestions…
Disassemble the crib, remove all the hardware and recycle the wood. Be sure not to discard crib hardware such as screws, bolt, and nuts. This way, other people cannot assemble and use a crib with a flawed design.
It might be a good time for you to take up woodworking as a hobby unless you are already. You could use parts of the baby crib to create furniture for your home or garden.
Fire place
Are you using wood in your fireplace during cold winter days? It is an option but one that is not recommended. The wood used in baby cribs have chemicals (treatments and painting) that release fumes when burnt. These fumes are not only unpleasant to smell but may be toxic too.
Among all the baby products, baby crib is one of the things that your child uses for a long period of time. Judging from the long hours they spend inside the crib, it makes a lot of sense to make sure the crib is safe for your baby.
Choosing the safeties crib for your baby not only making sure your child is safe but also you are buying a peace of mind for yourself knowing that your child is safe inside her crib.
One final thing. We also have the top 7 baby cribs that every mothers would love and I bet you would will too. Check them out!
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This post was last updated on 16 December 2016