Interview With Tina Bar The Founder Of WildDill

About Wild Dill
Wild Dill an independent online retailer of organic, eco-friendly and fair trade baby products. Wild Dill has established itself as a premier source for natural baby products and gifts. It’s the one-stop shop for anyone looking for natural baby toys, organic baby clothing, or any other natural alternatives to traditional children's products. Materials used to make the clothing, bedding, or toys include soy fiber, bamboo fabric, and organic cotton.
Wild Dill was created by Jennifer in 2008 and was inspired by her son Dylan, hence the name Wild Dill. After the original Wild Dill grew up, Jennifer was ready to move on to a new project. In 2014, the store changed hands and is now owned by Tina Bar a mom of another little boy, Wild Dagan. The store name stayed the same but the mission to support ethical children's fashion, green products and made in USA brands hasn't changed.
"I came across Wild Dill and loved the design, products and mission that Jennifer started. Once I found out the store was for sale I realized this was the business I was meant to own. The final sign was when I found out she lived a few towns over from me in the San Francisco Bay Area, after an in-person meeting I purchased the site in October and became the proud new owner of Since becoming the new owner I have been building up new inventory to bring new organic, fair trade and heirloom style clothing and toys styles our loyal customers. We hope you enjoy our selection and customer service focused shopping experience."
The Interview

BabyDotDot: Tell me about yourself.
Tina: My name is Tina and I am a mother of 2 little boys ages 5 and 10 months. We live in beautiful northern California just outside of San Francisco. I've always wanted to be a business owner and this little store is my dream come true.

BabyDotDot: How did Wild Dill start?
Tina: Wild Dill was actually launched in 2008 under a different owner. In 2014 I came across the store and was able to buy it from Jennifer and from then I've made a lot of changes to modernize and improve the shopping experience but have kept the core values of organic, fair trade and natural products for kids. I've also added new independent brands from all over the world and am expanding into accessories and jewelry for moms.

BabyDotDot: Where do you gather your inspiration?
Tina: I'm always inspired by my kids! I love watching them play and explore the world and seeing things through the eyes of a child is truly magical. I am also inspired by different cultures and the natural world. In my store I carry brands that have that touch of whimsy and a global perspective.

BabyDotDot: What is your favorite part of contributing to the industry?
Tina: I am happy that I can support other small businesses and believe that together we can make a difference in letting women find new careers through handcrafts and fair trade products in their home countries, but also through supporting independent brands that create jobs for designers, photographers, small factories, and even farmers.

BabyDotDot: What do you love?
Tina: My kids and nature.

BabyDotDot: What do you dislike?
Tina: Plastic and fast fashion

BabyDotDot: What are you proud of?
Tina: Growing my business, and learning how to do everything myself from building a new website to customer service.
BabyDotDot: What motivate you?
Tina: The desire to always learn something new.
BabyDotDot: Which of your current creations that you like the most and why?
Tina: I have 2 favorite brands at the moment - Pebble makes the most amazing fair trade toys that give opportunity to disadvantaged women in Bangladesh. My baby is obsessed with the carrot rattle. The other brand that does really well in the store are the organic, made in USA line of clothing from Winter Water Water Factory. Their prints are so cute and the clothes stand-up really well to washing.
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