
Category Archives for "Baby Guide"

What is Nub Theory and Can It Be Trusted?

When you’re pregnant and the first thing that your friend and family always like to do is to predict whether you are going to have a baby boy or girl when the bump at your tummy is visually obvious at week 20. Some say that if you’re carrying all out front or low, you will […]

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What Are The Benefits of Chamomile Tea For Babies?

Do you know that giving chamomile tea for babies can be beneficial to them?Chamomile has been used as a traditional medicine for calm anxiety and settles stomachs discomfort for thousands of years, and the history of using Chamomile can be traced all the way back to the Egyptian Empire. The dried flowers of Chamomile are made […]

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What are the Benefits of Prune Juice For Babies?

Prune juice is made using dried plums or prunes and this juice also contains many beneficial nutrients for our body. Prune juice is also well known as a constipation remedy due to large part to its fiber content. If your baby is having hard time to poop, or passing hard stool, prune juice can be […]

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