2 Best Bath Thermometers for Baby (Safe Water Temperature for Bath)

Bathing is not only to keep your baby clean, but it is also about having fun. Remember how you love to splash water when you were young? Well, your precious little one loves doing that too. But there are non-negotiable rules, and one of them is to ensure water temperature is ideal. To help you do that, we found two best baby bath thermometers you could use.
Before we get to bath thermometers for babies, let us look at the non-negotiables first.
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Important Baby Bath Safety Tips
Never Leave Your Baby Alone While Bathing
There are more than a few safety tips, but the one rule that is non-negotiable is never to leave your child alone. Bathing is a lot of fun, but it could also be dangerous. At no time, should you leave your child in a tub, not even for a moment.
To avoid the need to leave your baby, have everything you need beside you before giving your child a bath. Sometimes, you may be expecting an urgent phone call or someone coming over. If it is possible for the call or doorbell to ring at the wrong time, then it will happen.
So, while your baby is in the middle of splashing water and squirming with glee, keep your child with you if there is an interruption. You can do that by wrapping your baby with these cute hooded towel before answering a phone call or opening a door.
Keep Water Temperature Ideal
Another safety concern is the temperature of the bath water. In extreme cases, the water may either be too cold or too hot. Because your baby’s skin is soft and delicate, what adults could tolerate is intolerable for infants.
It is easy to think that water temperature is such a trivial matter. Dipping your hands in the tub to test the bath water temperature seems to be a practical way.
But hold on, do you remember how many times you checked the water temperature before taking a shower? Remember how the temperature feels to touch, but as soon as the water hits your body, it is either too cold or hot?
To a few degrees, how we sense temperature is relative to the ambient and our own body temperature. For bigger kids, that is not a problem at all. But for infants and toddlers, it is better to stay on the safe side. And that is why there are bath thermometers for infants that might be useful for you.
Preparing for the Right Bath Temperature
The best way to prepare for the right water bath temperature is to start by filling the tub with cold water. After that, add hot water and check to see if it is warm enough, but not hot.
A safe temperature should be 37 to 38 degrees Celsius, and this is the same as our body temperature. Never add hot water when your baby is already in the tub.
Ensure Water Level is Low
As mentioned, you are never to leave your baby alone in a tub. But as a matter of safety practice, keep the water level low so that there is no chance of drowning.
This may sound strange, after all, it is common sense to keep a baby safe when in a tub, right? You may think all parents are well-aware of the dangers of accidental baby drownings.
But statistics from U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission suggests otherwise (U.S. CPSC). In a five-year period, there were more than 400 unintentional deaths due to children drowning in bathtubs.
Best Infants and Toddlers Bath Thermometers

We found two innovative bath thermometers that you could use. Remember that these are only tools, and you are not to rely on them too much. One is that like any product, it has a lifespan or may fail to work.
For sure, you are going to use your sense of touch to feel the water temperature. Instead of using your hands, use your elbow instead, as it is more accurate.
Best Bath Thermometer for Baby
Going back to products that make your life easier. Here are the two best bath thermometers for baby to help you prepare the bath water for your infant or toddler.
4moms Spout Cover with Built-in Thermometer
This is an innovative product with a great idea. The spout cover itself is baby-proof. By attaching it to the spout, the thermometer could read the temperature of the flowing water.
This works only if you have hot and cold water supply and a spout that this cover could fit. The thermometer is powered by batteries that last for several months.
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Check out this post for '2 Best Bath Thermometers for Baby (Safe Water Temperature for Bath)'
Munchkin White Hot Safety Bath Ducky
It is crazy to think of bathing your baby in a tub without the one thing that makes them laugh with glee. Of all the toys for bathtubs, there is none that is more popular than a ducky. In fact, it is a crime to have a child grow up without playing with toy duckies.
Munchkin’s rubber ducky is made of toxic-free materials, and it is sealed. This is good because there is no place for molds and mildew to grow. What makes it unique is that if the bath water temperature is too high, then the word HOT appears at the bottom.
To use it, just place it in the water for a minute. If the temperature reaches around 40 degrees Celsius and above, you will see a warning word. Think of it as a dual-purpose rubber ducky. It not only gives you child a fun toy to play with, but it is also a tool for you to gauge the ideal water temperature for bathing.
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Conclusion on Using Baby Bath Thermometers
Giving a bath is a special moment you can have with your baby. Remember all the fun times in the past you had? The reason you remember is because of the experience.
To be with your child and to spend time in moments of joy and laughter, your baby may be too young to remember, but those collective experiences become a part of the fabric that forms the core of your unbreakable bond.
But every moment we share with our children, there are moments that could turn dreadful. In understanding these dangers, only then could we avoid them. Bathing your infant or toddler is fun, and you can keep it that way by following the safety tips mentioned earlier.
Always remember the cardinal rule in bathing babies. Never leave them alone. As for the bath water temperature, the spout cover with a thermometer and the rubber ducky that responds to temperature are only tools to aid you, but never to be relied on exclusively. Even the best baby bath thermometer can fail at times. Always double check before letting your infant into the bathtub.
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